Greetings Discipline Corps Brothers and the Community as a Whole,
It’s hard to believe we are in the second half of January already. It seems like just yesterday, we were ringing in the new year and now we are getting ready for Esprit de Corps in less than a month and a half, and Camp DC shortly after that.
On a personal level, I was glad to see 2022 enter the history books. It was a year of challenges and major life changes for myself and many others around me. I begin the new year, though, with many prospects that just weren’t there before. One of the things I am most proud of is to enter this year as the President of such a great club.
Our club is also beginning the year with many prospects. In recent memory, we’ve experienced losing our play space, being without one for several years, and finally finding another one. We’ve experienced the world shutting down due to a pandemic and having to adjust to a “new normal.” Through each, we’ve adjusted, learned, and come out stronger for it. Our strength today is a testament to our members and leadership alike.
But where do we go from here?
That’s a question the current EC has asked ourselves and one we’re ready to tackle. It’s time we step outside of our day to day duties and look more towards the future. Where do we see the club going over the next few years? What things are important for us to focus on to make sure we stay strong for many years to come?
I am excited to have these conversations and sharing our thoughts with you all. And we’d love to hear your thoughts as well. If you’re new to the club, your voice is important to us. If you’ve been here since the earliest years, your voice is also extremely important. Please feel free to reach out to us and share. These discussions with you all and amongst the EC are just the beginning and I can’t wait to share updates.
I hope to see many of you at our play parties throughout the year, at Esprit de Corps in March, and our CampDC Campouts in April and October.
Yours in Brotherhood and Solidarity,