Discipline Corps's 2013 Executive Committee has been selected, and will assume thier responsibilites for the 2012-2013 year at the conclusion of the annual meeting on Sunday October 14th, 2012.
Please join me in congratulating:
President: David Y.
Vice President: Matt D.
Treasurer: Michael C.
Secretary: David H.
Run Captain: Justin B.
Events Coordinator: Scott L.
Member At Large: Berlin B.
When you have a chance please thank Master Z and Danny R. for their time and efforts on our behalf on the 2011-2012 Executive Committee. Thanks, also, to all of the men who stepped up to run for the EC and their willingess to volunteer to represent the club in the coming year.
Please remember to support the EC as they work on our behalf to ensure we have our play parties, EdC, Campouts, Pool Parties, and chances to meet socially!